Getting Involved

As with many non-profit organizations that benefit our children and community, the successful operation of Navasota Soccer League depends heavily on many volunteers devoting time to coaching, fundraising, field maintenance, serving on the board of directors or one of our committees, or even taking on a special project or event.

Since most people volunteer in support of their children, we must continuously replace a percentage of our volunteers each year as older players graduate from high school to sustain a viable operation. We have formed various committees and single-task volunteer positions to help spread the workload and to accommodate parents with busy schedules. 

We need your help! 

Regardless of the time and experience you have, we can find a project or action item to fit your schedule, ability, and interest level.

How to Get Involved

You can seek our board members to see what they do and ask if they need help with a task or event. If you notice a need or inefficiency within the club or on the complex and feel like you can make a contribution, let someone know. It may be that an improvement can be made if someone like you volunteers to lend a hand!


Please submit the following form to contact us about volunteering:


Please submit the following form to contact us about sponsoring: